Models: CK 500 & CK 300 TH

Electronically controlled sharpening machine
for knives and bottom knives
For all types of circular knives and bottom knives
Working area fully enclosed in a cabinet
Grinding with emulsion or neat oil coolant
Machine PLC controlled
Electronically controlled variable speed of knife rotation
Grinding with abrasive, CBN or diamond grinding wheels
Easy adjustment for positive or negative bevel angle
Quick assembly of circular knife
Manual centralized lubrication
Fluorescent tube lamp for working area lighting
Versatility, efficiency, and easy to operate
Designed for low and simple maintenance

Twin head sharpening machine
with electronic control for circular knives
Grinding both bevels at once, for burr free finishing
Grinding of single bevel
Working area fully enclosed in a cabinet
Grinding with emulsion or neat oil coolant
Machine PLC controlled
Electronically controlled variable speed of knife rotation
Grinding with abrasive, CBN or diamond grinding wheels
Easy adjustment for bevel angle
Lateral fine adjustment of the knife position
for centering of the cutting edge
Quick assembly of circular knife
Manual centralized lubrication
Halogen target light,
adjustable for position, for working area lighting
Versatility, efficiency, and easy to operate
Designed for low and simple maintenance