Models: SVR20 & SZVR

Kaindl SVR20
Countersink Sharpening
Special accessory for BSM 20. For re-sharpening of countersink and cross rose bits with cylindrical shaft.
simpest handling
for countersinks from Ø 6 – 20 mm
support for BSM 20
complete with collet Ø 10 mm
Countersink grinding fixture for the BSM 20
completely with clamping device Ø 10mm
Cam for 3 flute countersinks

Sharpening Device For
Countersinks & Cutters
Professional countersink and drill sharpening mechanism for the BSG 60 for tools to 20mm and up to MK3.
For re-sharpening of one-, two-, or 3 flute countersinks and resharpening the faces of one to four flute cutters. The fixation is made by a clamping head ER 32. Additionally the clamping head is equipped with a MK3 morse tapper.
For 3 flute countersinks from 6 – 20 mm or morse tapper up to MK3
one to four flute cutters for re-sharpening the face of cutters up to 20 mm
precise laser adjustment
tool support ER 32 and morse tapper support MK 3
extendable for cross rose bits (optional)
special forms: step drills, sheet metal- and wood drills
solid construction